国立高等専門学校は、日本の学校教育制度9年の課程(中学校)を修了した段階から実験・実習・実技を重視した5年一貫教育による、 実践的技術者を養成する高等教育機関で、”高専(KOSEN)”と呼ばれています。
高専での教育は、第1学年より、専門科目の学習が始まっており、編入学生は、これらの学生が第1学年から学んでいる専門科目の知識と同じレベルまでの 知識を習得する必要が有るため、第3学年に編入学し、1年間で同学年の学生と同等の知識レベルに達してから第4学年に進級することになります。
National College of Technology is a higher education institution that trains practical engineers through a 5-year integrated education that emphasizes experiments, practical training, and practical skills from the stage of completing the 9-year course (junior high school) of the Japanese school education system. It is called "KOSEN)".
The 51 national technical colleges nationwide accept international students from various countries and regions. Many of these students are students receiving scholarships from the Japanese government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) (government-sponsored students) and students sent by foreign governments (government-sponsored students). We promote the internationalization of technical colleges by accepting international students.
In the transfer entrance exam, foreign students who have completed 11 years or more of the Japanese school education system (second year of high school) are accepted into the third year (equivalent to the third year of high school).
In education at technical colleges, learning of specialized subjects begins in the first year, and transfer students are required to acquire the same level of knowledge in specialized subjects that these students have been studying since their first year. Therefore, students will be transferred to the third grade, and after reaching the same level of knowledge as students in the same grade within one year, they will be promoted to the fourth grade.
国費留学生(Japanese government scholarships)
after arriving in Japan, government-sponsored international students receive one year of preparatory education at the Japan Student Services Organization Tokyo Japanese Language Education Center (JASSO), an independent administrative agency, and then transfer to the third year of technical college.
政府派遣留学生(Foreign government scholarships)
After receiving preliminary education in their respective countries, government-sponsored international students come to Japan and transfer to their third year of technical college.
We currently have government-sponsored students from Malaysia and Mongolia.
タイ政府奨学金留学生(Thai government scholarship international students)
Since 2018, we have been accepting students from Thailand's Princess Chulabhorn Science High School into their first year of technical college. In addition, starting in 2021, we are accepting students from Thai National College of Technology as third-year transfer students at Japanese technical colleges.
私費留学生(Privately financed international student)
We accept foreign students who have completed over 11 years of the Japanese school education system (second year of high school) into their third year of technical college. We are promoting the acceptance of privately financed international students, such as by implementing a joint selection process for transfer admission of privately financed international students to national technical colleges nationwide.
The advantage of studying at a technical college is that it has a small class system of about 40 students, similar to high school, and you can receive detailed guidance including experiments and practical training.
In terms of economics, tuition fees are lower than those at universities, and in particular, under the tuition support system established in 2010, approximately half of the tuition fee is subsidized for one year in the third year.
In terms of living, each technical college has a student dormitory, and the majority of students can live there.
More than 95% of international students who enter the third year of technical college go on to the third year of a national university after three years, and after another two years, aim to enter graduate school.